I have this roommate, that up until sometime near the end of August I'd never met before.
& I'll tell you one thing, the stress of having no idea who this girl was was very real this summer.
So many days I sat wondering, will we get along? Will we like each other? Will we fight? Will we talk about things? Will we drive each other up a wall?
What I didn't expect was that we would have nothing,(& I mean nothing) in common & yet still get along. Not only get along, but even become best friends.
The crazy thing is, I just always thought, "I have my friends already. I don't need another. I don't think I'll make a best friend in college.."
But then something crazy happened.
that crazy something is called my roommate.
What I didn't expect was:
we don't like each other's music, at all
we don't like the same food
we don't like the same sports (mostly)
we don't dress the same
we don't study the same
we don't like the same books
we don't agree on many topics
but when it really comes down to it, we are so much the same.
We spend our weekends together, we talk for hours every night, we laugh about the silly things we've experienced at college, we go grocery shopping weekly together, and it makes everyday so much fun.
What I didn't expect was that I would make another best friend in college, & I can't imagine not being friends.
^I know it's past halloween, but these are still great ^
^ So classic ^
^ temple trip ^