Wednesday, October 30, 2013

college is

//nobody wanting to do the dishes

//hair all over the apartment

   (bathroom, bedroom, bed, couch, carpet, clothes, table, dishes, shower, kitchen floor, gagging yet?)

//reading every textbook for every class

  (and generally falling asleep in the process)

//blisters (& soon enough--calluses)covering your feet 

//staying up until all hour of the night chatting with your roommate just because you like to 

//waking up in the morning and threatening said roommate for keeping you up because you are so tired

//literally pinching yourself to stay awake in class

//having Family Home Evening with your peers

//being blown away by how much your professors seem to know

//a new excitement and passion for learning

//pressure and stress to chose a major, yet too many options to decide from

//free (not gluten free) food at every event

//free t-shirts at every other event

//loving your roommates

//wanting to get away from your roommates

//doing things just because you want to be able say you did it

//being sick of cooking for yourself

//realizing you have to cook for yourself forever

//getting distracted on pinterest & maybe blogs...yes definitely those. 

//& overall a crazy non-replicable experience that I wouldn't trade for anything right now..  (well almost anything)

^ BYU vs. Utah game ^

^ like i said, doing things to say we did, giant blue foam slip n' slide -- never again. ^