Here I am looking at quote after quote on pinterest because, after a long day, that is quite relaxing (I am such a girl, what can I say) & I decided some of these things just really describe my life quite well. We've been talking a lot about mottos, values, and slogans for companies in my classes -- so if I were to give you 5 mottos of my life right now in this current moment here's what they would be. and that won't be comprehensive, because what in life is actually comprehensive when it comes to feelings and thoughts.
^sometimes life has a lot of pressure. & when I say that I mean like a lot a lot. That is all.^

^this is just perfect^

Okay so this hair thing. I cut my hair last week pretty short & it's quite
messy and can I tell you how good I feel about that? Because why should
my hair be much more put together than my life which is sometimes just a
whirlwind of emotions & I mean I'm not talking dreadlocks messy here
although (not so) secretly I think dread locks are kind of cool. But I could
never in a million years rock those...I'll stop now..
& of course for that whirlwind of emotions
comment there's the quote on the left.
^this is just obviously so good, sometimes in the fog of accounting homework it's important to step back and just feel happy about my existence on this beautiful earth^
& a bonus because this quote is just too lovely not to include in a post such as this:
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