I just returned home from CHOIR TOUR! Although I would
love to, I won't bore you with all the little details. I will say, however, that
it was an incredible, strengthening experience that I absolutely loved and wouldn't
trade for anything.
There are a few key ideas I've learned about life though
that I would like to share.
1. A positive attitude makes all the difference
2. Your happiness truly can be independent of life's
& 3. The Book of
Mormon is Divine
1. I met a man on choir tour (my first host dad,
actually) who really taught me a priceless life lesson. He said "There are two ways to look at life, you can look at it with a positive
attitude or a negative attitude, and I find the positive attitude is a whole
lot easier!" But beyond the phrase, what really impressed me about
him and his wonderful Christ centered family was the way they lived, and the way
he really did have a positive attitude, always.
Whether it was telling his wife 25 times a meal
that it was the "best meal ever!" (no exaggeration) or if it was showing his kids how much he loved them
every minute of the day, or simply not complaining, he did it whole
heartedly and positively. He was so kind, so joyful, and so astoundingly
Christlike, that it was impossible not to be happy in his presence.
For the remainder of tour I did my very best to
have a good attitude, even when we were on a bus that straight up reeked, on a
windy road with little air conditioning for hours at a time, we laughed. When
we bought a dinner that ended up tasting ridiculously disgusting, we laughed. When
we had to say goodbye and have our last concert ever, we cried and were thankful
for the experience Heavenly Father blessed us with.
It's easier, he was right.
2. Number two really goes along quite nicely with
number one. If you have a positive attitude and your focus in on Christ and service,
things are happy. They are actually joyful, exhilaratingly joyful. Isn't that a
delightful phrase to describe the gospel? (:
3. My testimony was really
solidified this year. The Book of Mormon came alive through messages shared in
song. (If you ever get the chance to see the program 'From Cumorah's Hill' DO
IT). My testimony of the book of Mormon changed from,
The Book of Mormon is true
because I feel good when I read it and visa-versa, to ----------> the Book
of Mormon is DIVINE inspiration from God, with real people --our ancestors--
who we will meet again someday, and it is 100% applicable to US, today.
Life is divine, lovely,
joyful, & exhilarating.
The gospel is the genuine
reality of life.